Last night I was asked to attend the Galway East Fianna Fáil website launch, as I was contracted to it together for them. At which I had the pleasure of meeting Micháel Martin the Fianna Fail leader and head of the opposition and was informed by Eamonn Gilligan the Galway East Constituency Chairperson, that Mr Martin was impressed with the work done on the site.
To be honest the fact that www.galwayeastfiannafail.ie exists is due to hard work of Mr Gilligan who initially contacted me regarding the job as well as Mrs Nancy Cregg, Donal Burke and Noel Treacy P.A.C. who all provided the content, which they were able to provide “web ready” and very promptly which enabled me to put it together at very short notice.
By using Wordpress as the CMS, a selection of free, low cost pugins, one if the included templates with some small editing and with limited changes to the coding we were able to keep the cost of the site to a minimum, whilst producing an effective platform for Galway East Fianna Fáil to engage with the public, one which they hope will grow over time.
If you are involved with any local social group, sports club or different political party, feel free to call 087 2030355 for a chat about what can be done to provide or improve your web presence at a very competitive price. Full training available for user updating or regular update and maintenance service available if required.
Facebook, Twitter and new media consultation, integration and advice also available.